Meetings & Events
P&C Meetings
P&C Meetings are held at 7pm Tuesday in week 3 and 7 of each Term.
FPS Principal attends each meeting and provides updates on school priorities and process, we encourage all our school parents and carers to attend even if it's just the first 15-20 minutes to hear from our Principal.
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You can raise any items for discussion prior to the meeting by contacting the P&C by email directly or through your P&C class parent
Event calendar
The P&C coordinates and hosts events throughout the year to connect the school community and raise funds these include:
- Election BBQ and bake sales
- Raffle tickets
- Hot cross bun drive
- Canteen sales
- Colour run
- Garden and grounds working bees
- Second hand uniform sales
- School disco (students)
- Trivia Night (parents)
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