Throughout the year, our ensembles participate in many events and receive valuable performance experience. Outlined below are some of our annual events however we are always looking for more performance opportunities throughout the year.
Music Mania
Scheduled in Term 1, Music Mania is an afternoon of intensive rehearsals as well as tutorials where students receive instrument specific learning from a specialised tutor and ends with a concert for family and friends. This event is designed to fast track the learning process and allow the new year’s ensembles a chance to get some additional practice together. Music Mania is run in combination with the Band Program.

Music Mania
Music Camp
Scheduled in Term 2, Music Camp is often the highlight of the year. Held at Camp Kedron in Ingleside, all strings and band students attend. Our students in Senior Strings, Junior Strings and Guitar Group (in grade 4-6) will attend a 2 day camp and stay overnight. Younger Junior Strings and Guitar Group (grade 3) students will attend 2 days however will return via bus after the first day and will not stay overnight. Our Beginner Strings students will attend only the second day of camp. All campers will attend rehearsals with their ensemble and participate in specialised tutorial groups. In addition to this, ensembles can work on collaborative projects with the Band program and also enjoy activities such as rock climbing and archery.

Music Camp
Usually held in term 3, the Strings Soiree is a concert for family and friends to attend and see all of our ensembles play as well any child interested in performing a solo. This evening provides excellent performance experience.

Strings Soiree
Northern Beaches Instrumental Festival (NBIF)
Beginners, Juniors, Seniors and Guitars participate in the NBIF in Term 2. This is a performance opportunity where each ensemble will perform alongside like groups from other schools in a scheduled timeslot. An expert will critique each ensemble and give constructive criticism to help improve. Parents/carers/ family are all welcome to attend.
Festival of Instrumental Music
A huge highlight for our Senior Strings students is the opportunity to perform at the Fesitval of Instrumental Music at the Sydney Opera House. Students will learn specific repertoire and then join with many other strings and recorder students from around the state to perform together.

School Performances
Our students are able to perform at various school performances such as assemblies or special days like Book Week and Open Day.

Book Week Open Day